Fire Cider
My October Batch!
On October 1st I made a batch of fire cider for my family. I left the jar at my parents’ house with instructions to keep it sitting in the window in the sun and to shake it up everyday. I returned this week and divided the batch into jars for my parents, myself and my brother. It’s beautiful when medicine making can involve family and community. Fire cider is a traditional recipe, popularized by herbalist Rosemary Gladstar. It is used for daily immune support and defense and digestive stimulation. This tonic can be taken daily, a few tablespoons, for a healthy immune system. You can also start taking it every few hours, at the first signs of illness. The following recipe contains variations on how you can make your own fire cider. I used the basic horseradish root, onions, garlic and ginger and cayenne(I used a fresh one from my garden plot) and I added thyme, lemon and orange. I used the Bragg’s organic apple cider vinegar with the “mother.” Please remember to use cling wrap or wax paper under your lid if it’s metal to avoid corrosion due to the vinegar.
Fire Cider Recipe
1. 1⁄4 cup of grated fresh horseradish root
2. 1⁄4 cup or more chopped onions
3. 1⁄4 cup or more chopped garlic
4. 1⁄4 cup or more of grated ginger
5. Cayenne pepper fresh (chopped) or dried to taste
6. Additional herbs/roots/fruits: oregano, thyme, rosemary, lemon, orange, turmeric, etc...
7. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
8. Honey
9. Add all herbs (except honey) to cover half of the container jar. Add enough of
the ACV to cover all ingredients by at least 3 inches. Place a piece of wax paper
or cling wrap to cover the lid first and then seal tight.
10. Label your jar with all ingredients and let it sit for 4-6 weeks in a warm spot.
Shake everyday.
11. Strain, and add honey to taste