How To Use Condition Oils


I often get questions on “how” to use the oils that I make. I have my own ideas on how one should use a condition oil, i.e., to support the petition or outcome you are desiring. But I wanted to give a more in-depth explanation of how I see oils’ role in workings and everyday life. Think of oils as little concentrated workings in a bottle. When I make an oil, I combine plant medicine, spirit medicine, sometimes animal medicine, and my own essence to create a substance that energetically will support a person’s petitions, workings, and prayers. Oils should only be used externally. DO NOT ever consume oils. If you are interested in consuming a “prosperity tea”, please feel free to have a cinnamon-infused tea or something! Oils can be worn, which is one of my favorite ways to employ them. You can anoint yourself while you are in prayer. You can put them in your body oils or butter. You can also use the oils on items that are related to your petition. For example, you can use money drawing oil on your wallet, your actual paper currency, or items associated with making money and keeping money. You may also put a little money drawing oil on your hands if your money-making endeavors involve you using your hands. I also suggest using oils in conjunction with petition papers. Petition papers make your prayers more specific and targeted. Using a condition oil on the petition paper gives an extra boost of spiritual power and intention.

Additionally, you can use oils in your candle work. You can add a few drops on top of the candle and/or use it to dress your candles along with herbs, roots, and powders to support the petition. When you purchase a condition oil, it’s juju in a bottle. Use it how you see fit. I have even had customers who reaped benefits just from carrying the bottle of oil on them, without even using the oil yet! All in all, these oils can be used alone or to support the spiritual work that you are doing. My parting thought is just to make sure to really sit and think about what it is you REALLY need in your life. Because what we want is not always what we need. Be well, and thanks for reading!


Fire Cider

