The Hoodoo Hussy Experience
Hey y’all! I go by Hoodoo Hussy. My name is an homage and nod to my religion and spiritual birthright of Hoodoo, African American traditional religion. And it’s a declaration of the carefree and wanton way in which I live my life as a Black femme creative, performer, scholar and rootworker. This is bigger than just me selling my products made with herbs and roots and thangs. It’s about all of us finding our way home to ourselves, to the spirit technologies that our enslaved ancestors carried over within their minds, hearts and souls. We honor them by returning to the ways in which they were in communion with the natural and spiritual world. My ministry in this lifetime is to heal, educate and elevate. Just as I was able to find my way back to and reclaim what belongs to me here on earth and in heaven, I hope that I can help guide others back too. Asé and Amen.